Standard Push Up with Perfect Form

Most Basic form
Standard Push Up is an exercise performed with just body weight, which focus primaryly on strength.
They are also known as floor dip
, press-up
and lizard
It basically consists of 2 positions.
Exercises mainly 3 muscles: pectorals, triceps and deltoids but there are more muscles involved such as abs, biceps and glutes in a less intense way.
The standard push-up is one of the most popular exercises, easy to perform and effective to target chest, triceps and core muscles.


Range of motion
Movement should be all the way up and down, reaching a full extension of the arms and almost touching the floor with the chest.
Breath in on the way down, exhale on the way up
Hands position
Hands should be placed directly below shoulders when being at the extended arms position.
Body tension
Have your abdominal region, hips and legs with tension, not relaxed.
When you extend your arms and initiate down movement, don’t let your body fall but rather have a controlled movement when going down.
Back position
Avoid forming an arch with your back. It should be a straight line.
Protracted shoulders and depressed back.
Shoulder blades change
Shoulder blades should meet at the lower position and being apart at the upper position.
If you are not much strong, you will notice that shoulder blades will be always together as you make effort to hold the push-up position.
Hips in line with back
Glutes should be forming a line with back.
Straight Arms
Arms close to the body, outward shoulders are risky as they can lead to injuries in your shoulders because they put too much stress on them.
- Military Push-Up
- Standard Push Up
- T Push-upMay 23, 2020
- Planche push-up
- Pseudo Planche Push-Ups
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