Basic Sit-Ups with Perfect Form
Sit-up is an exercise performed with just body weight.
They are also known as curl-up
Exercises mainly : abs muscle .
Primary muscles targeted

- knees at 90-degrees angle
- feet may be together or slightly apart
- heel is the only part of the feet that may contact the ground
- fingers interlocked behind head
- head, arms, hands and elbows may not touch the ground
- raise body until core reach the vertical position (base of neck above base of spine)
Versus crunches
Sit-ups differ from crunches in that in them, the body should reach a vertical position, but in crunches only a 45° angle is required.
- U.S. Forces Fitness YouTube channel
- Wikipedia contributors. (2020, April 5). Sit-up. In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved 02:35, May 10, 2020, from
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